Fri, May 10, 2024

TSU, DENR’s Forest Investment Development Division to collaborate for joint research

Tarlac State University's Office of University Research Development and the Forest Investment Development Division (FIDD) under the Forest Management Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) convened an exploratory meeting via Google Meet on May 10, 2024 to discuss potential research collaborations.  
by Ms. Remar Salvador | OURD   – 2024 News


Tarlac State University's Office of University Research Development and the Forest Investment Development Division (FIDD) under the Forest Management Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) convened an exploratory meeting via Google Meet on May 10, 2024 to discuss potential research collaborations.  

In a significant step towards fostering interdisciplinary cooperation, TSU and DENR expressed their commitment to exploring opportunities and working towards concrete outcomes that benefit society and the environment.  

Led by FMB-FIDD OIC Division Chief Forester Alicia Castillo (also Forest Investment Packaging Section chief) and OURD Director Dr. Robert V. Marcos, the meeting served as a platform for dialogue and idea exchange, identifying areas of mutual interest and exploring opportunities for joint research projects. 

Moreover, Forester Aloysius Jan R. Revilla, Forest Investment Promotion Section chief; Forester Norlito P. Sarmiento, Forest Revenue Development Section chief; and Mr. Luke Joshua Castro from the Forest Investment Packaging Section presented some of their planned activities and programs for collaborations with researchers from TSU. 

Follow-up discussions and planning sessions are expected to occur in the coming weeks to refine collaboration plans and initiate joint research activities. 

The gathering involved key stakeholders from both institutions, section heads, and the technical staff of the FMB-FIDD.

Screenshots from OURD