2024 News

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Partner Taiwanese university offers international academic program for TSU students
Wed, Jun 05, 2024

Partner Taiwanese university offers international academic program for TSU students

Tarlac State University and Ming Chi University of Technology in Taiwan launched the MCUT 3+2 Bachelor-Master Fast Track program for…

TSU receives first external research funding for 2024
Tue, May 14, 2024

TSU receives first external research funding for 2024

Tarlac State University and the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (PENRO) signed a memorandum of agreement today (May 14)…

OIBD continues Saliksiklaban for student researchers
Wed, May 08, 2024

OIBD continues Saliksiklaban for student researchers

In its fourth year, the Office of Innovation and Business Development led the conduct of the Saliksiklaban 4, a university-wide…

TSU holds 1st International Multidisciplinary Research Conference
Tue, Apr 30, 2024

TSU holds 1st International Multidisciplinary Research Conference

Eighty-five faculty and student researchers from all over the country presented their research work in Tarlac State University's 1st International…